
My name is Nelly Barret and I am a post-doctoral researcher in the DEIB department of Politecnico di Milano. I work in the BETTER project with Pr. Pietro Pinoli and Anna Bernasconi. This project aims at building a network of 7 European cooperating hospitals, each providing very heterogeneous health data (clinical samples, genomic data, scans, etc.). The final goal is to provide a decentralized healthcare system to run federated analysis (statistical and AI-based) on different data (possibly across centers) to better understand 3 rare diseases (paediatric intelligence disability, eyes distrophies, and suicidal behaviours of autistic patients).

Previously, I enjoyed being a PhD student at Inria Saclay, under the supervision of Pr. Ioana Manolescu in the CEDAR team, a joint team between Inria and École Polytechnique. My thesis was on summarization and exploration of semi-structured datasets. Before my thesis, I spent my univesity years at Université Lyon 1 where I obtained my Master in Artificial Intelligence.

Finally, since my undergraduate studies, I wish to join the big family of researchers, whether this is as a young researcher (CRCN) or an associate professor (MCF), in fields I appreciate: heterogeneous data management, data integration, interoperability, data exploration, all possibly being AI- and/or LLM-flavoured. Supervising students also gave me the taste of teaching, which is something I would like to pursue in my next positions. Dynamic and hard worker, I'm always ready to take on new challenges!

I am actively looking for an academic position in/around Lyon (FR) for Sept. 2025!

Website last update: Feb. 17, 2025
My curriculum (last update: Sept. 2024)
My short bio (last update: Sept. 2024)


Latest news

  • 23/10/2024: I received the 2nd prize from the BDA community, awarding PhDs with significant contributions to the data management field!
  • 01/04/2024: New challenges ahead! I moved to Milano and I started a post-doctoral researcher contract.
  • 15/03/2024: Last day as a PhD student: I defended my thesis at Inria Saclay, surrounded by a nice jury, the CEDAR team and my family!